Next Generation Institute Srl
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CEO and Creative Director of PlayMagic Ltd. In the 25+ years of my career I have worked on several Console, PC, Virtual Reality, Mobile and Web Games based on original IPs or International Licenses such XIII, Rambo, Chuck Norris, Gumball, Matt Hatter, Tarzan as well as Consumer Brands from Companies like Kinder Ferrero, Renault, Vodafone, Orbit, Mediaset. With my Teams we pioneered software and content creation for advanced technology platforms in the field of Computer Vision, Motion Sensing, Eye Tracking, Virtual Reality and Augmented reality. My professional background comes from Computer Programming and Design with a wide range of complementary skills on Computer Graphic and Production. I have lectured in various Universities and Academic Institutes such University of Cosenza and University of Malta and consulted on special gamification projects with a team leaded by Bocconi University Professor (Vaccani).